Lough Derg finds itself located in a rather remote and particularly unspoiled corner of Co Donegal. The scenery is not breath-taking, but the quiet, humble presence of the God of Creation is almost tangible here. Here, for centuries past, humble ordinary people have come in a pilgrim spirit to renew their covenant with God.
Lough Derg intends to be part of that ‘new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet’, a dialogue to which Pope Francis urgently calls everyone since, as he writes, ‘the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all.’ Laudato Sí 14
This Care for Creation Day will explore something of the challenging and inspiring thought of Pope Francis in his much welcomed letter Laudato Sí – on care for our common home. It will also open a reflection on how we may personally engage, in practical ways, to make our contribution, however humble, in response to the cry of ‘our Sister, Mother Earth.’
Laudato Sí (May You Be Praised) is the opening of St Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures.