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Lenten Series – The Saint’s of the Beds – Sts Davog and Molaise


Holy Week finds us at the final Bed.  Each time as we begin the Station Prayer, standing cross-shaped at St Brigid’s Cross, we renounce the World, the Flesh and the Devil.  At the Water’s Edge, as our Station draws to a close, we are reminded of our Baptism. Our pilgrimage of Lent has been a journey towards the renewal of our Baptismal commitment and the life-giving grace of Easter.

Lord, as I near the end of this Lenten journey, I thank you for your faithful presence with me, day by day.  I thank you for what growth there may have been along the way in my faith and trust in you. I thank you for each act of kindness that I was able to offer to a fellow traveller.  Lord, by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.  You are the Saviour of the World.  Amen.

2024 Season Programme

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