A reflection from the Prior as he continues to keep the tradition of prayer on Lough Derg during these different and challenging times.
Prior’s Prayer to St Davog
O blessed St Davog, faithful disciple of Patrick the Apostle
and father of the Lough Derg Family,
in this out-of-the-way corner of God’s creation
you heard and answered the Master’s call
to a life of prayer and penance, simplicity and community.
Thus you laid a foundation for the storehouse of prayer
that would be built up here from generation to generation.
Across the centuries, from Ireland and from far beyond,
pilgrim feet have found their way to this sanctuary
in their search for peace, for spiritual nourishment and for new direction.
In these changing times of ours,
show us the way to witness to the things of the spirit:
to all that is true and lasting and worthy of our attention.
From your place in our heavenly homeland,
guide us to hope that another new beginning is always possible,
and that grace will lead us home when life’s pilgrimage is done.
St Davog of Lough Derg, pray for us to God.