During Lent in recent years it has been Lough Derg’s practice to offer something on our online platforms for our friends on their Lenten journey. Last year we shared our Lough Derg Way of the Cross with images from the Harry Clarke windows. That series is still available on our loughderg.live website.
This year we will offer two reflections each week. Each Wednesday, beginning on 24th February, we invite you to join us in your imagination on Station Island, on one of the Penitential Beds, and then on the Fridays we will offer a moment of prayer with the saints of the Beds, one by one.
In this way we can travel together through Lent as a virtual band of pilgrims, and accompany one another on the path that leads to Easter. Beyond a doubt the Lord will also be with us along the way.
So to the One whose power at work in us can do so much more that we can ask or imagine, to God be the glory, forever. Amen.
Fr La Flynn
17 February 2021