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The Island from the Path: Last in series Pause and Ponder Reflection along the Lough Derg Pilgrim Path

Fr La’s final weekly ‘Pause and Ponder’ from along the Pilgrim Path at Lough Derg. This week’s reflection – ‘The Island from the Path’ – Watch video below:

Friends, this is our last video of the current ‘Pause and Ponder along the Pilgrim Path’ series with Fr La.

What started as a way to connect with our pilgrims over a challenging time, turned into a year-long series following Fr La’s weekly pilgrimage along the Path where he brought with him your prayer intentions.

Fr La comments: “Thanks to all of you who have joined me out on the Pilgrim Path through these reflections. I am delighted if these videos have offered some inspiration in your daily life. Thanks for your many encouraging responses from time to time, and to Maureen, Sharon and Chloe for their contributions in presenting the videos. I hope some of you may find joy occasionally in being able to re-watch this Pause and Ponder series on or our other platforms in the months to come.”

Stay tuned for a new ‘Pause and Ponder in November’ series beginning next Monday night.

The Island from the Path

From week to week and month by month for a year

the pilgrim goal of the Island with its centuries-old

welcome for each and all who choose to come   

has been closed. 

                               But out there, across the water,

again and again it comes back into view

present to me and to my fellow pilgrims

who come to walk this Path as a bodily prayer

and to honour the hunger in our hearts for peace,

for spiritual nourishment and for the deeper things,

for all that really matters and is worthy of attention.


In this out-of-the-way corner of God’s creation,

that silent island speaks of what lies beyond us, 

and of hope that our Pilgrim Path will bring us home

at last.


Fr La Flynn, Prior

18 October 2021


Watch the previous Pause and Ponder reflections here

Keep up to date regularly with Lough Derg on social media here

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