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Mary’s recital of ‘Gaudete’ by Brad Reynolds – Pause and Ponder with Poetry in Advent series

Tonight, Mary brings you our Advent series with a beautiful recital of ‘Gaudete’ by Brad Reynolds, followed by the lighting of the third candle on the Advent wreath. Blessings

Gaudete by Brad Reynolds 

Because Christmas is almost here

Because dancing fits so well with music

Because inside baby clothes are miracles.


Because some people love you

Because of chocolate

Because pain does not last forever

Because Santa Claus is coming.


Because of laughter

Because there really are angels

Because your fingers fit your hands

Because forgiveness is yours for the asking

Because of children

Because of parents.


Because the blind see.

And the lame walk.


Because lepers are clean

And the deaf hear.


Because the dead will live again

And there is good news for the poor.


Because of Christmas

Because of Jesus

We rejoice.


Watch Mary light the second Advent candle here

Watch Fr La’s previous Pause and Ponder videos along the Pilgrim Path here

Keep up to date regularly with Lough Derg here

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