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Lenten Series – Reflection from St Patrick’s Bed

With you on your Lenten Journey. This week’s reflection ‘At St Patrick’s Bed’ is read by pilgrim, Lisa Russell.


Dear friends, at the Large Penitential Bed, we circle six times round the outside. On the level ground, we can find ourselves tempted to pick up the pace – both in our steps and in our prayers. This week in our Lenten journey we steady ourselves, grateful to be within sight of Easter.  On Palm Sunday we will hear once more the story of Christ’s Passion.  We might find time this week to draw near to someone with a cross to carry.

Lord, help me in these days to turn my thoughts towards your Sacred Passion. As you approached Jerusalem, it was becoming clear what might lie ahead. I lay before you my personal concerns, as well as the burdens that weigh upon our world. Fill my heart with compassion for all who struggle, and with concern for this fragile earth that is our mother and – as Pope Francis reminds us – our common home. Amen.


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