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Lenten Journey – the eighth station presented by the apostle Thomas

The Eighth Station

This is Thomas, the man of doubt and of resurrection faith. As Jesus left for the home of Lazarus it was Thomas who said: “Let us go too, and die with him.”


These women were moved to sympathy for Jesus.  He acknowledged their tears, but he knew there was nothing they could do for him now.  He asked them to look to themselves and to their children.

You do not wish us, Lord, to go on weeping about what has happened in the past.  We cannot change the past but we can do a great deal about the future.

We pause for some quiet moments of prayer, our eyes on “the outstretched arms of Christ Crucified….”

Save us, Saviour of the World, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.

Narrated by Monsignor La Flynn and Mary McDaid.

2024 Season Programme

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