During Advent 2019 the Prior, Fr La Flynn, introduces the angels associated with Lough Derg. This First Sunday of Advent the scripture readings direct our thoughts to that Second Coming of Christ, when evil, sin and death will be no more.
“All of us readily associate angels with the Christmas feast, but Advent, too, has its angels. I propose that some of our Lough Derg angels may be our companions in these Advent reflections this year.
Let us begin with this sculpture of St Michael the Archangel subduing the Dragon.
This is the work of faithful Swiss pilgrim artist Eugene Lang. It is a strong contemporary piece, perhaps somewhat challenging to us. Our first reflection might be that it reminds us that angels are not always easily recognised!
The image is inspired by John’s vision in the Book of Revelation where Archangel Michael leads the heavenly angels in the final defeat of Satan. This prepares for the return of Christ in glory. The scripture readings for the First Sunday of Advent direct our thoughts to that Second Coming of Christ, when evil, sin and death will be no more.
In the meantime, of course, we walk by faith and not by sight. Our struggle with evil and its effects in our personal lives, in the lives of our loved ones and in the world of our times is ongoing. This strong image of St Michael reminds us that we are not alone. Christ and his angels support us in our struggle. These Advent weeks we recall the words of the traditional prayer: Blessed Michael the Archangel defend us in the hour of conflict. Be our safeguard against the deceits of the Evil One.”
Fr La Flynn